About Early Years and EarlyON Services

Our Early Years and Early ON services are available to pregnant people and families with children birth to 6 years of age within the South-East Ottawa Catchment area. Please call 613-737-5115 ext 2003.
Registered Early Childhood Educators Ext. 3112
- Provide information about early childhood development
- Provide parenting information and resources
- Provide information on services and programs that support family needs
- Provide one-on-one support

In-Person group programming. See Calendars
Virtual Programming – Newsletters, Activity Ideas, Resources, Circle Videos, and more
Child Development Screening
Family Resources Worker Ext. 3133

- Help Navigating Systems and Services for Families and Children including: Birth Registrations, Child Care Registrations, Subsidy applications, School Registrations, and more.
- Referrals to programs and services, internally and externally
Parenting Support Programs
Seasonal Program Referrals
Heatherington Emergency Baby Cupboard
Registration for Prenatal Nutrition Program-Milk and Eggs.
– Eligibility Criteria: Pregnant or breastfeeding a baby up to 6 mths at registration
Early Years Community Nurses Ext. 2379

- Prenatal and Postnatal Support
- Well-Baby Check In
- Access to Pre-natal Practical Support
- Lactation Consultant and Dietitian referrals
- Referrals to programs and services, internally and externally
Parent Connection Group
Baby and Me Group-Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP)
– Eligibility: Must be pregnant at registration
RECE Resource Consultant Call Ext. 1908

- Child development screening
- Referrals to First Words or CHEO Autism Services and more
- One-on-one parenting support by appointment
- Referrals to programs and services, both internally and externally
- In program consultation and support for family and caregivers
Please see current calendar of events for Group Programming Schedules and Locations
SEOCHC may cancel or reschedule programs if needed. Program cancellations are posted on the SEOCHC-EarlyON playgroup Facebook page.