SEOCHC is still here to support you and yours. We know that parents and children are struggling during this pandemic. The good news is that several free online resources are available for parents and children.  Please see the list below. – includes mental health and substance use resources and counselling supports as well as information on how to stay mentally healthy during the winter.

Parenting in Ottawa – provides resources and support for parents, including information on helping children cope during the pandemic, at-home learning and frequently asked questions.

Parenting in Ottawa Facebook page.

Apply for emergency child care: Guidelines and an application form for essential workers to apply for emergency childcare.

Community Services and Resources from Crime Prevention Ottawa – provides resources and contact information for local organizations that support victims of domestic/gender-based violence. With Provincial restrictions in place and people working from home, we have seen a stark increase in reports of domestic violence. The link above provides contact information for local organizations that can help support people who might be victims and/or survivors of domestic violence. : Suggestions for connecting virtually and more.

OPH’s daily screening tool : A friendly reminder that daily screening of children for COVID-19 symptoms continues to be important, even if children are not attending school in person.

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South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre (SEOCHC) is a non-profit, community-governed organization that provides a range of multi-disciplinary services to address the social determinants of health.


1355 Bank Street
Suite 600
Ottawa, ON
K1H 8K7
3320 Paul Anka Drive
Ottawa, ON
K1V 0J9


With enthusiastic employees and volunteers, we are ready to support you no matter any time.

© Copyright 2022 by SEOCHC
