Information and resources from the Ottawa Public Library.
La version française suit Primary Care After Hours If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. For mental health concerns, please contact the Distress Centre at 613-238-3311. If you are a registered primary care client and require medical advice that cannot wait until the office is […]
Topics for women on self-awareness, self-care, and mindfulness exercises in Arabic. Every Monday from 1:30 p.m. till 3:00 p.m. on Zoom. First session: August 17, 2020 For more info and to register, please call Radiah at 613-314-3833 Mindfulness Flyer ENG Mindfulness Flyer عربي
Information provided by the Ottawa Newcomer Health Centre and Ottawa Public Health Protecting Your Mental Health: Videos available in English, French, Arabic, Somali and Mandarin. Staying Safe During COVID-19: Videos available in English, French, Arabic, Somali and Mandarin.
Please find below a PDF of the process to our electronic email booking system to schedule your upcoming appointments. This process is solely used for scheduling purposes and cannot be used for medical advice.
Let’s be in charge of our wellness! Are you feeling sad, anxious, confused, overwhelmed, by life struggles and dealing with Covid-19 impacts? We are offering for the community, by the community, support for Ottawa residents from ACB communities. We are here to connect you to resources. We offer practical and emotional support, health coaching, advocacy, […]

Tuesdays 12-5:00 p.m. Services offered will be available by phone. Clients may contact 613-737-5115 and leave their contact information, and a counsellor will call them back. We provide counselling in three languages: English, Arabic and Spanish
Our Early-On Playgroup has moved online supported by a Registered Early Childhood Educator. Check out our Online Circle Videos, Activities and Resources to support your children to learn and develop from home. SEOCHC-Early-On Playgroup
Are you dealing with physical, emotional, sexual or other kinds of abuse at home? Or do you know someone who may be in danger? Connect with help by text at (613) 704-5535 or chat safely online at #YouAreNotAlone #COVID19